Planz Consultants is one of New Zealand's leading planning and resource management consultant specialists and we are well positioned to assist with your consenting and research needs. Our expert planning staff have the integrity and skills to ensure that you receive practical, sound advice and high quality outputs. Planz are consultant specialists in all aspects of planning and resource management in New Zealand, including:+ Project planning, consultant coordination and project management.+ Planning due diligence and research.+ Management of resource consent processes.+ Preparation of assessment of effects on the environment.+ Submissions on resource consent applications and plan changes.+ Council initiated plan changes and private plan change requests.+ Designations.+ Development and implementation of non-statutory planning strategies.+ Master plans, structure plans and framework plans.+ Iwi and public consultation.+ Provision of expert planning evidence to local authority and Environment Court hearings.Whether your project is a major urban development, or an application for a simple resource consent, Planz has the ability and experience to deliver the specialist planning services required for any project. We are committed to delivering effective solutions that are tailored to meet the individual needs of our Clients.