Deekay Electronics came into existence in 1979 with its first store in Ghumar Mandi, Ludhiana, Punjab. Since the inception, Deekay has made a loud commitment to provide Best in Class Products backed up with Best After Sales Service. With its current operational areas being Ludhiana and Chandigarh, it has grown at a constant pace and currently runs with 7 outlets being one of the leading electronics retailers in North India. To serve customers in the nearest vicinity, Deekay has registered its presence at:# Deekay Electronics, Ghumar Mandi, Ludhiana# Deekay Electronics, Gill Road, Ludhiana# Deekay Electronics, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana# Deekay Vision, Gole Market, Model Town, Ludhiana# Deekay Electronics, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana# Samsung Plaza, Sec 35B, Chandigarh# Deekay Electronics, KhararAlso, Deekay has come up with a franchise model, with its first franchisee outlet now running in Jalandhar, Punjab.It has the widest range of leading brands like Sony, Samsung, LG, Hitachi, Daikin, Mitsubishi, IFB, Bosch, Panasonic, Siemens, Whirlpool, Akai, Micromax, Bluestar, Voltas, Lloyd, Kent, and many others backed up with comfortable Finance/EMI options.