Robinson International - founded in London in 1982 - operates worldwide (72 countries) as an independent Inspector & Laboratory Company. Whatever commodity you trade in, risk management is no doubt high on your list of priorities. It is vital to know the exact quantity and quality of the goods you are dealing with. This is where our qualified and professional personnel can help. We currently have offices worldwide and operate in over 70 countries. We are expending on a permanent basis. The group is dedicated to offer independent technical services in the field of inspection, cargo integrity surveillance, analysis, chemical consultancy, mineral ore sampling and assaying. Other specialized services are also offered. Our values are to be of total independence and impartiality. As such, Robinson International does not become involved in trading, manufacturing, transportation, shipping, insurance or any other activities, which could be construed to affect our independence or impartiality. The company offers a full range of analytical testing and evaluation services to a worldwide client base. Using state of the art technology, the laboratories in our areas of operation, ensure the highest quality of results. We specialize in commercial and on-site laboratories and also offer management services for existing laboratories. Surveying and Inspection: The group is dedicated to offer independent technical services in the field of inspection, cargo integrity surveillance, analysis, chemical consultancy, mineral ore sampling and assaying. Other specialized services are also offered. Testing and Evaluation: The company also offers a full range of analytical testing and evaluation services to a worldwide client base. Using state of the art technology, the laboratories in our areas of operation, ensure the highest quality of results.