"The Gold Forecast" is created daily for investors and traders of all levels. Each day, you'll receive a five to ten minute video containing concise, easily-digestible visual and verbal information conveying precision technical market insights blended with the most the day's most important fundamental news. Wagner Financial Group is the executive producer of the "Gold Forecast" tm. Based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Comprised of a small dedicated group of trading, technology, and finance professionals who apply their experience, teamwork and innovation towards a common goal - helping traders succeed in the market. Wagner Financial Group provides its client base with access to platforms, signals, charting and analysis software. Gary S. Wagner has been a technical market analyst for twenty five years. He is the executive producer of the daily video newsletter "The Gold Forecast". He is the Co-author of "Trading Applications of Japanese Candlestick Charting". A frequent writer for Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine, he also Co-developed software applications for market forecasting.