Unlocking opportunities for Shareholders, Management Teams and HNW Investors in UK small businesses. High Wood Capital is a specialist funder of small business deals including MBOs, retirement sales and cash-out/partial sales. We enable shareholders and owner-managers to realise value from their business. We back management teams and provide support to help them realise their ambitions for the business. We structure high quality, professionally evaluated investment opportunities for HNW investors.Our Contact DetailsAndrew Stubbs andrew@highwoodcapital.co.ukwww.highwoodcapital.co.ukDeals We FundRecognising it can be notoriously difficult to find a trade buyer for small businesses, we offer an alternative for shareholders and owner-managers looking to realise value. We look to finance deals with a funding requirement of between £0.5m and £5m. We focus on Management Buy-Outs (MBOs), Retirement Sales and Cash-Out / Partial Sales.How We WorkWe build strong relationships, deliver deals efficiently and take a long-term partnership approach. We back management teams and provide support to help them realise their ambitions for the business. We ensure the team is incentivised with an equity stake which helps align our interests.InvestorsThese deals offer exceptional investment opportunities in established, profitable and ambitious UK companies. Every deal is professionally structured and evaluated. HNW investors can access these private equity investments in some of the UK's best small businesses on a self-select / deal by deal basis.