Head of AI and Algorithmic Development at Juleon Asset Management - Suite 2 Mosman, N/A, AU
We are a diversified long short equity fund manager that aims to deliver wholesale and retail investors out-performance in all market conditions. Our strategy is driven by a state-of-the-art dynamic artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning process (ML). Our exclusive and patented algorithm was developed by our team over a five year period before we commenced trading in January 2017. The result of our algorithm process has been that we have been delivering substantial out-performance against the benchmarks and the peer group on almost all metrics since commencement.Our investment process is unique, in that our algorithm analyses huge data sets of thousands of factors at the same time. This differs from traditional managers who cannot humanly process this volume of information. Understanding this complex relationship between many drivers of performance such as financial publications, combining that with dividend and franking credit information, CEO speeches and fundamental financial information allows us to deliver out-performance in most market conditions.