An SMB Score is a total score or grade that represents the overall performance of a business. SMB Scores exist to "Tell the Whole Story" of a business, rather than a biased review or rating from a single source. SMB Scores offer a complete view of Small and Medium Businesses (SMB's or SME's) with a focus on current, updated information.An SMB Score represents a more balanced, average score among all of the data points related to your business. SMB Scores provide a reasonable, unbiased look at a company's current overall performance, status, and reputation.A strong SMB Score can also help small businesses manage their brand reputation and overcome negative reviews. Let's face it, people aren't always calm and rational, particularly unsatisfied customers. An SMB Score gives your business a chance to recover from negative reviews on one or two sites by calculating a vast number of data points across many sources.SMB Scores are not only a benefit for local small businesses. An SMB Score benefits all small to medium businesses such as suppliers and manufacturers who typically sell Business to Business (B2B). Showing potential business clients a strong SMB Score can build trust and greatly reduce the time required to reach an agreement.Until now, small and medium businesses (SMBs or SMEs) have been greatly under-represented when it comes to so-called "rating" or "review" sites. These sites exist to allow consumers to give their reviews, ratings, and feedback of companies, without taking into consideration the business perspective. These opinions are one-sided, highly favor consumers, and largely go unchecked by any regulations. The voice of the business is rarely heard. Take back your Brand, Manage your Reputation, and Build Trust. Add SMB Score to your Business Toolkit. Get Your SMB Score Now!