Paily helps a multi-million freelance market to seamlessly work with businesses across the globe. Choose an optimal jurisdiction, fill up the details and send a professional invoice to your client without having to manage your own company. The freelancer doesn't have to face all the bureaucracy, bookkeeping or hidden fees. Paily takes care of all that and provides a freelancer with companies from 7 different jurisdictions. This allows the freelancer to focus on the work for international clients, rather than dealing with all the administrative obstacles. Paily helps businesses to manage their projects with a big amount of freelancers in one web application, by providing a full package of closing accounting documents from legal entities in any convenient jurisdiction. A business user can request and receive an invoice from Paily to pay multiple freelancers at the same time. The business can also manage all the data of their ongoing projects, freelancer workforce and financial documents in one place. Paily Business also perfectly fits freelancers which employ other freelancers to work with large scaling projects.