Amulet Platform uses blockchain technology to help investors find and compare financial experts based on objective metrics.The status quo for how financial market experts achieve compensation is fundamentally structured to produce low-quality, misguided advice. Many experts earn income by posting eye-catching content on websites that pay per impressions, like Seeking Alpha. In this model, entertainment-value outweighs accuracy and actionability of advice. Others receive affiliate compensation for promoting dubious investment opportunities that have no legitimate prospect of generating revenue. Low quality, misleading advice has been proliferated by individuals seeking to capitalize on these incentive models and this has gone unchecked by any significant negative consequences. Furthermore, in the status quo, experts in exclusive possession of a useful insight hoard their insight to avoid diluting their own ability to profit. The net effect, is that valuable advice is extremely scarce and impossible to tell apart from the noise. Amulet solves this problem with the first of its kind Decentralized Reputation Ledger. Amulet incentivizes qualified experts to contribute verifiable predictions to the ledger, so that investors can observe how accurate they are over time. Investors can begin to filter out advice from experts who aren't right often enough for their liking. The incentive for market experts to participate is a large payout for the expert who correctly predicts an event contrary to the predictions of other experts on the Amulet marketplace. Experts are also able to tout their superior accuracy (verifiable by anyone via the blockchain) as a reason why there advice should command a higher premium from advice-seekers who subscribe to them via the Amulet Marketplace.