Fleet Personnel Manager is a universal program for crewing companies, which allows to simplify and optimize significantly the work of company employees.The program manages ships, shipowners and seafarers (on board/ashore) databases. Systems of planning, registration of the swimming qualification requirement, control of the certificates validity period of and cost accounting are also provided.Advantages of Fleet Personnel Manager:1) ReliabilityOur servers are located in one of the largest European data centers in the Netherlands.2) SearchFilter system allows to search for candidates by position, vessel type and documents.3) StatisticsCharts of people on board and monthly shipments. Operator performance monitoring.4) AccessAccess to databases is carried out through the client application from anywhere in the world.5) DocumentsDownload and store of scanned copies of any formatcertificates and licenses.6) Online ProfileOnline profile allows seafarers to enter independently and correct their data directly in your database.