IMLPO was established in 2001. It is a unique, cross-representative forum of anti-money laundering (AML) professionals who share views, experiences and concerns – in a safe environment – of the day-to-day business of combating money laundering. The aims and objectives of IMLPO are to: * establish a recognised industry forum to address specific issues of concern identified and raised by our members * facilitate the further education and professional development of our members * provide a broad representation for issues concerning money laundering prevention Initially, the members of IMLPO were mainly AML practitioners in financial institutions, but following the widening of the scope of the AML regulations in the UK, IMLPO took steps to broaden its membership to bring on board representatives of those business sectors newly affected: the new "gatekeepers". Our members therefore now come not only from banks, insurance companies, fund managers, building societies, finance companies etc, but also from an increasingly wide range of other types of organisation such as accountancy firms, law firms, gaming companies, money transfer bureaux, stockbrokers and estate agents. Our membership is also not exclusively London-based: we have members from organisations all over the UK, including Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the south west etc.