Associate Engineer - Applications Engineering at Impression Technologies Ltd - Coventry, West Midla, UK
Our HFQ® Technology is for advanced structures for electric vehicles and aircraft using ultra-high strength grades of aluminium. HFQ offers the most advanced process and simulation tools for the design of thin-wall aluminium structures in 2xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx aluminium, including highly recycled grades.HFQ Technology is offered to tiers, OEMs and aluminium companies to design lightweight structures where dimensional conformation (no spring-back), low cost, part integration and deep draw and/or tight radii are required. We have an expanding network of partners including leading aluminium companies and tiers offering HFQ solutions for EV safety cells, closure inners, battery / charger boxes and aircraft wings components, nacelles and seats.If you have demanding lightweight structures or would like to consider becoming an accredited HFQ manufacturer in the automotive or aerospace sectors, please get in touch.