Andy Andrews

President at Los Alamos World Futures Institute - Los Alamos, NM, US

Andy Andrews's Contact Details
Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States
Los Alamos World Futures Institute
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Los Alamos World Futures Institute

Los Alamos, NM, US • 5 - 9 Employees

DONATE, PARTICIPATE, EXPLORE AT http://www.laworldfutures.orgThe LAWFI mission is to explore the needs of earth and humanity in the future, both mid and long term. These needs become requirements in the process of matching entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, and grantors in the pursuit of useful and perhaps profitable products. LAWFI's exploration is focused on:The List of 18Stuff 1. Energy Storage (especially long term)/Energy Conversion/Energy System Efficiency/Energy Distribution. 2. Product distribution efficiency. 3. Distributed manufacturing – volume/density/mass. 4. Infinite recycling.People 5. Medicine (non-Malthusian)– dna manipulation, invasive/non-invasive techniques, distribution, and how far do we go? 6. Non-invasive observation technology (e.g., terahertz and overcoming the observer effect). 7. Food production and dietary requirements. 8. The Human/Machine Interface – who or what controls what or whom. 9. Sustainable long term encapsulation for humans – including mental stimulation.Information 10. Personal Information Filtering/Fact Checking to avoid information overload and enhance noise reduction. 11. Computing – what is really needed? 12. What and how do we teach people? 13. Communication, both near and long distances and what does it really mean, what is needed. 14. Data vs Information vs knowledge.Society 15. Tools – simplified – to help the human existence and reduce production overhead. Greatly affects philosophy of government and must contribute to unity of effort. 16, In transformation, how do we maintain integrity? 17. Commerce and financial – how do we do business, individually and collectively. 18. GovernanceDONATE, PARTICIPATE, EXPLORE AT

Details about Los Alamos World Futures Institute
Frequently Asked Questions about Andy Andrews
Andy Andrews currently works for Los Alamos World Futures Institute.
Andy Andrews's role at Los Alamos World Futures Institute is President.
Andy Andrews's email address is *** To view Andy Andrews's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Andy Andrews works in the Advertising/Marketing/PR industry.
Andy Andrews's colleagues at Los Alamos World Futures Institute are Bob Nolen and others.
Andy Andrews's phone number is N/A
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