We're an engineering team that designs & manufacturers lithium batteries for C&I, telecom, and Energy Storage systems for on/off-grid, micro-grid, 1-hour, and 2-hour systems for FCR, aFRR, mFRR, active power and reactive power compensation, peak shaving, and back-up, etc. The manufacturer locates in China and the designers work both in China and Canada. PowerBox™ module starts from 4.8 kWhPowerStack™ starts from 9.6kWh, up to 48 kWh, integrated active balance smart BMS and multi-parallel PowerCube™ available.PowerCube™ @0.5C, 250KW/500kWh, 500KW/1000kWh, 1000KW/2000kWh and multi-cubes available. PowerCube™ @1C, 250KW/250kWh, 500KW/500kWh, 1000KW/1000kWh, 2000KW/2000kWh and multi-cubes available. We're providing solutions to grid service partners, utility service partners, commercial and industrial partners, as well as telecom companies.