Estate Property Consultants provides valuation and consultancy services to the Government and private sectors. These services encompass a variety of real estate areas including residential, industrial, commercial and development. We specialise in Compulsory Acquisition, Financial Reporting and Statutory Valuation, as well as Valuation advice for market and rental values. Our aim is to produce quality results and consistent service. As a business, we are committed to best practice and exceeding our customers service level requirements.Our Valuers have extensive experience in the public and private property sectors having worked for the NSW State Government, large national Valuation Firms, Local Governments as well as for Developers and Real Estate Agents. With this well rounded industry experience we have expert knowledge of the property market.Estate has built established relationships with numerous government agencies in the Local and State sector, as well as private sector corporations, on the back of understanding their operations, objectives and reporting requirements.Our experienced valuation team provides valuation advice for acquisition and disposal, asset reporting, portfolio financial reporting, and rating and taxing valuations. Estate also provides strategic property and portfolio advice to assist with the day to day management of property assets.Rating and Taxing Valuation ServicesEstate are currently a principal contractor for Property NSW, for approximately 21 Local Government Areas within the Sydney Metropolitan Area, providing objection valuation services for the NSW Valuer General, in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 1916.Compulsory Acquisition and Resumption Valuation ServicesIn NSW all levels of government can acquire a property for public purposes. They may acquire the whole property, part of a property or an interest in the property including easements for power lines, sewer or water. The experienced team at Estate provides valuations to determine the compensation applicable to the dispossessed owner(s) in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. Financial Reporting - Asset and Portfolio ValuationsEstate Property Consultants has an experienced team that provide professional services to our clients requiring valuation for financial reporting purposes. We specialise in the provision of valuation advice that comply with Treasury Policy TPP14-1, AASB 13 Fair Value Measurements and AASB 116 Property, Plant and Equipment.Consultants and AdvisoryEstate provides specialist property analysis, research and market intelligence reports for property needs. We provide market and rental valuations across all property sectors including residential, retail, office and industrial.