Max Officer at Department of Regional Development, Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources - N/A, NT, AU
Project Geologist - HyLogger (through Rocksearch Australia Pty Ltd)
The Northern Territory Department of Regional Development, Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources (RDPIFR) has been replaced by the Department of Resources. The department is the government agency responsible for facilitating industry development in the three vital economic sectors ensuring the optimal use of the Territory's fisheries, primary industries, mineral and energy resources. The combined value of our rural and fishing sectors exceeds $500 million a year, accounting for nearly 3% of Gross State Product (GSP), although mining is the giant of Territory industries, grossing an annual $2.3 billion, contributing 20% of GSP. The industries we service impact on the economic and social well-being of thousands of owners, managers, employees, service people and families in urban and rural communities, across all Northern Territory regions and climatic zones. The department's multi-skilled specialist team of scientists, researchers, technicians, extension officers and support staff, have used vision and commitment to help put the Territory on the world map in terms of research, development, production and supply of our diverse resources.