Welcome to Dancestar Ventures, a company that is built on 20 years of Electronic Music Herritage, a company that does things first: The world's first dedicated Electronic Music TV station in Miami Florida. The first dedicated Electronic Music Video Production Company. The first televised Electronic Music Awards show. The first official Electronic Music YouTube partner…Electronic Music is a $4bn global market, its superstar DJs earn in excess of $30m a year The growth of Electronic Music over the last few years has been staggering, driven by the insatiable appetite of Millennial's for DJ & Electronic Music Culture. A DJ (Calvin Harris) recently broke Michael Jacksons record for No.1 singles in the UK.Dancestar Ventures is a fully integrated media company focused on creating the first global Mutimedia Electronic Music platform. Dancestar™ Electronic Music Awards, Dancestar Live™ & The Electronic Music Hall Of Fame™ are one of a kind events developed by and for Electronic Music fans in this ever expanding and important market segment.