Knowledge Harvesting is a rigorous, results-driven process for capturing and transferring vital scientific, engineering, technical and business insights and complex cognitive processes.Knowledge Harvesting is used to convert the know-how in an expert's head into knowledge assets that can be used to dramatically improve corporate performance, competitiveness and valuation. In addition, the organization is protected from expensive personnel losses and defections, and from the unavailability of expertise when and where it is needed.KHi (Knowledge Harvesting, Inc.) has quietly been working for over 17 years to enhance the knowledge continuity of some of the worldʼs most powerful organizations. Our approach draws on validated theories and principles from many fields — cognitive science, studies of expertise, psycholinguistics, learning sciences, and more.KHi began with pioneering a new genre of learning software and we evolved the worldʼs most comprehensive, accurate method for eliciting and codifying complex forms of knowledge. The approach has been applied and refined across a wide variety of processes, functions, geographies and cultures. Hundreds of subject matter experts have entrusted us with their hard-earned wisdom.Experience and research have resulted in an ever-growing, ever-evolving capability that extends far beyond anything else in the market today.