What if it was easy?No delegation tutorials. No crossing cultural divides. Just work done.First, we assign you a Concierge. Your Concierge is your go-to person who meets with you each week to plan your deliverables. She coordinates with our data management, marketing, writing, social media, lead generation, design, documentation, coding, and data mining specialists. She monitors their performance and reviews deliverables.Your Concierge is your interface to the launch team as they imbibe your expectations to engineer a lightning-fast, bulletproof workflow. Before your program goes live, we'll spend hours configuring automation, documenting processes, and testing outcomes. We build a dashboard so you can see what's happening 24/7.After launch, we calibrate across weekly sprints to keep improving and improving. Furiously documenting documentarians memorialize that hard-earned knowledge in a self-serve wiki for your reference.Then we do it all over again.