Angela Adam

Architecte et Ecobiologiste en construction at Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd - Bern, Canton of Bern, Switzerland

Angela Adam's Contact Details
+41 31 385 15 15
Neuchatel,Canton of Neuchâtel,Switzerland
Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd
Angela Adam's Company Details
Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd logo, Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd contact details

Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd

Bern, Canton of Bern, Switzerland • 21 Employees
Architecture & Planning

The office Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd is based in Bern, Neuchâtel and Zurich, Switzerland, and was founded in 1987. Today it has around 60 employees, including almost 40 architects. Raffael Graf, Stefan Graf, Peter C. Jakob, Emmanuel Rey and Yorick Ringeisen are the five partners of the office.The activities of Bauart cover many fields of architecture and urban development. The office is dedicated both to new buildings and converting existing structures. It is characterised by the initiation, development, supervision and implementation of creative, innovative and ambitious ideas. Achieving sustainable solutions that significantly contribute to improving the quality of the developed environment forms a special focus of operations. The office's partners are also represented in various expert associations such as the Federation of Swiss Architects (FAS), the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA), the Federation of Swiss Planners (FSU), the Schweizer Werkbund (SWB), Swissolar, Cobaty international and the Association Ecoparc.

Details about Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions about Angela Adam
Angela Adam currently works for Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd.
Angela Adam's role at Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd is Architecte et Ecobiologiste en construction.
Angela Adam's email address is *** To view Angela Adam's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Angela Adam works in the Architecture & Planning industry.
Angela Adam's colleagues at Bauart Architects and Planners Ltd are Aleksandar Lalovic, Michael Stutz and others.
Angela Adam's phone number is +41 31 385 15 15
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