DiGiorgi Inc has become of the most respected names in the Connecticut roofing business with its roots in Ansonia, CT. Based in Beacon Falls, CT they have long been leaders in roofing and siding, along with customer satisfaction, and now serve homeowners and businesses throughout Connecticut and southern Massachusetts. Started in the toughest of times, they have made leaps and bounds since their first days of local home improvement services.The Connecticut roofing professionals at DiGiorgi understand that the work they do is a direct reflection of their values. It is not just a client's approval and appreciation of a job that is at stake, it is the DiGiorgi family name. With every positive customer review the family name is further cemented. That is why each worker aims for perfection with each customer.DiGiorgi was started by one determined man and has grown and thrived through his family. Now the leagues of trucks are filled with workers who uphold the DiGiorgi aphorism, "Our Family Serving Your Family, Since 1933."