Hyde County Implementation Coach at The North Carolina Partnership for Children - Raleigh, North Carolina, US
The North Carolina Partnership for Children is the state-level, nonprofit organization that oversees North Carolina's innovative, award-winning Smart Start initiative. It administers funding to 75 local partnerships that operate as independent nonprofit organizations. Each local partnership is responsible for its own hiring process. Smart Start's mission: Advance a high quality, comprehensive, accountable early childhood system that benefits each child in North Carolina beginning with a healthy birth. Smart Start's vision: Each child reaches their potential and is prepared for school and life success in North Carolina and a global community. Experiences during early childhood literally shape the structure of the brain. Because today's children are tomorrow's leaders, parents and workers, everyone has a stake in making sure that all children have the experiences they need to thrive. Smart Start brings together all the people involved in a young child's life - families, teachers, doctors, caregivers, social workers, and many others - to ensure every child has all they need for healthy growth and development