Bear Valley Community Hospital provides services to the residents, 2nd homeowners and visitors of Big Bear Valley in Southern California who are in need of emergency medical care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are staffed by Board Certified physicians and provide inpatient and outpatient surgical services such as; general surgery, ophthalmology, and pain management/epidural procedures. Other services include our full-service Imaging Department providing radiology, CT scans, ultrasound, bone density screening and mammography. We also offer Physical Therapy for our patients and nutrition/diet information with our Registered Dietitian. Our Family Health Center and Rural Health Clinic offers; Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Chiropractic Services, Pain Management, Cardiology, Dental Services, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Obstetrics/Gynecology. We also offer Big Bears ONLY parenting Education and Resource Center, called The Mom and Dad Project. Our skilled nursing facility is a 21 bed facility that is designated for long term care or short term rehabilitation.