It is CTeL Innovations' mission to uphold the "gold standard" of telehealth through quality health care delivery. It is our goal, to shape a positive future for telehealth and its providers through providing the community expert consultative services. CTeL Innovations: A product of the times. CTeL Innovations is a wholly owned, for-profit subsidiary of the Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law (CTeL), a nonprofit founded in 1995. As the telehealth industry expanded and took root, it became clear that the spectrum of telehealth models needed guidance with telehealth legal and regulatory support and increasingly difficult technology choices. CTeL Innovations was launched to answer that need. Innovations works to bridge the knowledge gap for corporations, health systems, venture capital firms, pharmaceutical firms, insurers, law firms, industry organizations and others. Our services and research explorations are customized by client and draw on our diverse experience in support of the telehealth industry. The Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law (CTeL) Recognized as the "go-to" source for definitive research and intelligence on the telehealth industry, the nonprofit CTeL answered a dire need for legal and regulatory clarity and guidance on emerging telehealth issues. The center continues to provide specialized support to this growing community as the industry evolves. CTeL Innovations is the authoritative source for telehealth industry insights and advancement.