We will change the way your organisation thinks about business!How? By implementing ultra-radical shifts in the way you work.We see business in a whole different light. We are as unique as our Re-source solutions. Corporate or SME – let Blacksuits make you the Hero of your business.Blacksuits recognises that business needs to focus on business – your brand– "wow'ing" your clients.We do the same – only our business is your business and we deliver Resource Solutions that will WOW you! Not the least being your bottom linebecause savings speaks to everyone!We will ensure our solution is totally aligned to your business strategy andwith expertise in Logistics, FMCG, Manufacturing, Retail, Media and Nutrition,operating in South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland and Namibia,the UK and USA we know you won't be disappointed. Our multi-nationalfootprint ensures the latest "Best Operating Practices" - we look ahead so youcan stay ahead of the crowd.Let's face it... your people are your biggest asset, the heart of your business.You rely on their teamwork, coordinated effort, high performance and qualityoutput to grow your bottom line. Your business needs its people to succeedand that's why our solution starts in HR because HR is the backbone of anorganisation. By engaging with the heartbeat of the organisation, we are uniquely placed to identify challenges in other areas and apply the "ultra-services" principle whether it be support, Re-design in an area(s) or a full Re-sourcing solution.