One of the most basic needs of an LGBTQ person is to seek out businesses where they won't feel judged, marginalized or treated unfairly. Since COVID, acquiring quality talent has become more difficult than ever. Fostering LGBTQ workplace equality and customer inclusion helps organizations stand out.Large companies invest millions of dollars on diversity and inclusion initiatives. An LGBTQ person may take a job they are not passionate about at a large company just so they can feel safe, thereby not maximizing their full potential. As of June 2021, 52% of LGBTQ do not feel comfortable being out in the workplace.The Gayborhood Business Alliance has created the first accreditation program for LGBTQ inclusion in the workplace for small-to-medium sized businesses. GBA's accreditation provides SMBs with standardized training, best practices and ongoing support to be an LGBTQ inclusive employer at a fraction of the cost compared to average Fortune 500 company spend per employee on D&I initiative.