We are a social enterprise that promotes plant based cleaners for a non-toxic home! Our advocacy is the heart of our business. We want to cultivate a safe home and vibrant planet for all to enjoy. We are dedicated to keep the family strong, flexible, free of disease, and full of spirit. We all want to live in a clean and safe environment. We want our children healthy and strong. Without our awareness, however, we take the risk of exposing ourselves to toxic chemicals from the products we use everyday. We inhale it, absorb it through our skin, and sometimes ingest it. Without taking action, we allow these toxic chemicals to invade our home. We can help you. Let us STOP using products that contain toxic chemicals. Then REPLACE it with products that are safe and earth-friendly. We UNITE to spread the word and convert the toxic house into a non-toxic home. Today, let's join hands towards a green and healthy Philippines. Tayo nang maghasik ng Galing!