Anggit Hertina

My job at Bank Jateng - , Central Java, Indonesia

Anggit Hertina's Contact Details
Bank Jateng
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Bank Jateng logo, Bank Jateng contact details

Bank Jateng

, Central Java, Indonesia • 10000+ Employees

Bank Jateng is a company majoring in banking operation. The Bank is located in Central Java and it was established by Provincial and District Governmentthroughout Central Java. The aim of bank establishment was to handle the regional financial as the regional cash holder and to help increasing regional economy by distributing credits to small entrepreneurs.This bank, which stock is owned by both Central Java Provincial Government and all Regional Government, has undergone several business change. In 1969, through the Central Java Provincial Government's Decree No. 3 year 1969, Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah was stated as Badan Usaha Milik Daerah / BUMD (Regional Owned Enterprise). Later on, through the Regional Rules of Central Java Provincial Government No. 1 year 1993, the status had changed into Perusahaan Daerah or Perusda (Regional Company).After setting out of the recapitalization program, especially to present the company's positive image. The call name of PT. Bank Pembangunan daerah Jawa Tengah (BPD Jateng) was then changed into Bank Jateng, based on Minister of Justice and Human Rights Decree No. C.17331 HT. 01.04.TH.2005 dated June 22nd, 2005 and Bank's Statutes Change No. 68 dated May 7th, 2005 by The Notary Prof. DR. Liliana Tedjosaputro.

Details about Bank Jateng
Frequently Asked Questions about Anggit Hertina
Anggit Hertina currently works for Bank Jateng.
Anggit Hertina's role at Bank Jateng is My job.
Anggit Hertina's email address is *** To view Anggit Hertina's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Anggit Hertina works in the Banking industry.
Anggit Hertina's colleagues at Bank Jateng are Khilda Ayuni, Rafi Faruq, Zasqia Prasamara, Chr Anindita, Adhi Nugroho, Sugiarto Giarto, Karismajid Nur and others.
Anggit Hertina's phone number is ["62-2469212106"]
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