Many businesses believe they need to hire a full-time marketing expert or retain a large advertising agency in order to promote their business properly. This simply isn't true. You can get high caliber talent without big budgets or expanding your in-office team.CONSIDER A CONSULTANTWhen working with a company like 1327 Consulting, you get 20 years of direct marketing expertise without having to add to your staff. That means no large salaries, no overhead or employee benefits, and no need to justify the team expansion to management.We will work together to determine the right way to partner with each other: Do you need a set amount of hours per month? Do you need a designated list of projects to be completed? Your requirements become our scope of work.INCREASE YOUR ROI Small changes yield big results, but only if you understand how to identify the opportunities and test them properly. 1327 Consulting stems from extensive experience in results-driven marketing. Your marketing budget will be held accountable for performance and we have the tools to prove it. By focusing on data and measurable results, we are able to uncover what is working and determine how to make it even better.LET'S GET STARTED TODAYCollaborating with 1327 Consulting means working with a proven business leader who is responsible for substantial business growth. Together, we'll craft successful marketing strategies spanning branding, acquisition, engagement, cross-sell and retention. Flawless project management, compelling content creation, comprehensive results analysis, and effective campaign optimization are also included.