Coordenação de Projetos at Planobase Strategic Environment Design - Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Sócio-proprietário / arquiteto / designer / consultor em sinalética / arquitetura comercial
Planobase Design and Architecture is a consulting and design company focused on commercial and corporate environments. It has been in the market since 1992, and has in its essence the focus on generating results for the customer through the appreciation of its brands. We are a restless, multidisciplinary team with an emphasis on commercial architecture, brand identity graphic design, integrated wayfinding and visual communication.The concept of STRATEGIC DESIGN OF ENVIRONMENTS refers to an action that contemplates architecture, design and strategy in projects that will unite retail design, visual communication, wayfinding from studies, research and strategic integration of these disciplines, resulting in a cohesive message that translates the identity of the marks.