Sadaqa Welfare Fund is an organisation that began in 2013 when two friends distressed about the many catastrophes taking place around the world, and they asked themselves the same question asked too many times before... What can we do and how can we make a difference? After some investigation and launching initial projects in Bangladesh, they soon realised it was the 8th most impoverished country in the world and seemed to be left years behind Australia in just basic human necessities (food, access to clean water, human rights). The team was so overwhelmed by the state of the people, they knew after seeing this they had a responsibility to make a change and a difference in their lives. Sadaqa Welfare Fund has evolved over the years and now focuses on working in the most vulnerable places on the planet; from Africa, Yemen, Syria, Gaza, Bangladesh, Rohingya, Indonesia and Turkey. All field distributions are carried out by Sadaqa team members, which gives Sadaqa donors confidence that the team they donate to in Australia are the same teams that carry out the distributions on the ground.Till date, Sadaqa Welfare Fund incorporates a 0% Admin, 100% Donation Policy. All your donations to Sadaqa Welfare Fund are Tax Deductible. All running costs of the charity are covered by the committee and loyal supporters.