Personal development is, as the name says, personal. It's your trajectory, your development path. "Every person is unique and has potential", that is our conviction. "To help you the best out of yourself", that is our mission.And that means to us: "for, with and by you ‘, ‘customised', ‘with attention', ‘flexible ‘, ‘a long-term relationship'. Of course you're free to join us for just one training, but we would rather like to see you back, we regularly like to hear how you are doing and we like to follow how you reach your goals.As a Platform for Continual Personal Development, Suerte Academy offers a broad portfolio of development options. Improvement of Sustainable Co-operation in Service Chains and Networks is thereby our goal. Professionals and their managers are our target audience.As a professional, you are a specialist, no matter if you are IT specialist, doctor, accountant or lawyer. The requirements that are asked from you as professional in this 21st century are different than those asked in the previous century. It is no longer sufficient to only possess professional knowledge. Also a large number of personal competencies and social skills are expected of you.It deals more and more about a lifelong learning. Learning is a combination of performance and … fun. In particular if we are allowed to help you with your personal development !!!Read more about our vision on the changing world, the position you as a professional in this and what this means to you, and also for employers and managers of professionals.