Our mission: Partnering with families to ‘kidnect' children to Jesus, teaching them to love and follow Him. Our vision: Children come through our doors to learn about God and His desire to have a personal relationship with each of them. It's a place where children feel welcomed, valued and cared for while they learn who Jesus is, how to follow him, and how basic Bible truths can help them make the right choices now, and throughout their lives. Our core values: Our core values guide us in how we accomplish our mission. Kidnect Kid's Ministries provides ...a safe environment Kids are most open to listening and building relationships when parents and children feel physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually safe. ...creative bible teaching. Through music, drama, imaginative sets and props, and creative play, we teach the bible in an attention grabbing and fun way. ...relevant lessons that apply to children. We want children to learn lessons they can apply to their lives right away. ...a child targeted environment. We choose experiences, toys, activities and language that is child-friendly. ...intentional shepherding. We provide small groups so children are connected with a leader that helps them talk about what they are learning. ...fun! This one is pretty simple, and pretty vital!