After 15 years, the founders of 24H-architecture split the office in 2 new identities. From 24H, Boris Zeisser started his new office Natrufied Architecture in July 2015. Elaborating on the core values of 24H-architecture, the new office focuses on making designs inspired by Nature. Natrufied reflects this ambition by connecting Nature and the petrification of Nature into architecture. Working with ingredients from nature, the theme of Art d'eco has been developed as one of the main design philosophies of the office.With this the ambition is to support the environment as well as to create beauty: this makes the art of ecology. All our designs are inspired by Nature: embedding the program into the surrounding environment, biomimicry design approach, use of natural materials, natural shapes or more abstract representation of natural patterns, parametric structures and biotic material approach. Integrating high tech and low tech sustainability into our designs is a natural part of our design work.