GDG New Delhi is a community of software developers, UX/UI designers, product designers, cloud professionals and people who are interested in Google's open source technologies. These are people who are sharing knowledge and learning technology from each other by creating an environment which supports diversity and inclusion.We organize CodeLabs, tech talks, hackathons, Extended events, devFests, and study jams.Our activities include hands on CodeLabs, Tech Talks, Hackathon, Extended events to Google's flagship conferences, DevFests and study jams.The group is free to attend and open to all who are interested in discussing and learning more about software development with tools and technologies from Google or the open-source community.All our activities and the access to the group is free and open to everyone looking to discuss and learn more about software development from Google and open-source communities.Disclaimer: GDG New Delhi is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation. To learn more about the GDG program, visit