Quality Officer at Lacon Quality Certification Pvt Ltd - Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
Lacon Quality Certification (P) Ltd., a subsidiary of LACON GmbH, Germany, offers a wide range of certification services for agriculture and food production sectors. Our main areas of services are inspection and certification of organic production; processing and handling of agricultural produces; export and import of such products as per the relevant national rules and Certification for International Food Standards (IFS)LACON was first officially accredited according to EN45011 for organic inspection and certification in the European Union in 1992 in Germany. LACON is accredited by DAkkS and by the Ministry of Economy and Employment in Vienna, Austria and also by USDA based on US-NOP (National Organic Programme). LACON is accredited in India by APEDA, on behalf of National Accreditation Board- NPOP/NAB/006.Certification services according to;Organic Certification;• Organic regulation (EEC) No. 834/2007• National Organic Program (NOP) USDA• National Programme on Organic Production (NPOP), IndiaOther Certifications• GlobalGAP• HACCP• International Food Standards (IFS)• International Sustainability & Carbon Certification • PGI Protected Geographical Indications Regulation (EEC) No. 605/2006• REDcert (Biomass Sustainability Ordinances)• Beef Labeling regulation (EEC) No. 1760/2000• Cosmetic Standards• Global Organic Textile Standards