Anji Biosciences was formed in 2007 for the manufacturing and supply of Fine, Specialty and Pharmaceutical intermediates. Anji Biosciences is committed to excellence through knowledge of our highly qualified and experienced Chemists. Anji Biosciences has provided with state-of-the-art equipment for its chemists and analytical needs. Synthetic Chemists have pilot plant utilities consisting of 50litres,100litres, and 250 liters. We provide a spectrum of services that enable our clients to bring a drug to market in a rapid and "cost effective" manner. Some of our services include lead optimization, Pharmacalogy, medicinal chemistry, contract R&D, "scale up" synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates, process development and manufacturing of intermediates and APIs.WORK ENVIRONMENT The company is always conscious of its responsibility to the public in large and produce the material with utmost care and in environmental friendly manner. From selection of raw material to finished product, every care is being taken to adhere to the norms of safety, health and environment.