Redeemed Children for God Foundation is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, youth and women to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. We serve child in need that we possibly can, of any faith, or none. RCG Foundation is channeled at serving God and reaching out to less privileged and emotionally troubled people to promote kingdom of God here on earth. We are committed to serving God and our assignment is from the angle of our faith. Our assignment is to show God's love to the broken, beaten, very sick, badly treated, helpless, homeless, orphaned, abandoned, addicted and generally displaced people in the society. We also reach out to people who have been victims of rape, sexually abused, spiritually depressed and those suffering from rejection and loneliness. OUR VISION - To be an instrument of God to restore hope to the hopeless. OUR MISSION - To bring healing to those who hurt through the love of God. OUR OBJECTIVES 1. to contribute to poverty alleviation in Nigeria through skill development and economic empowerment for the less privilege children, elderly widowed, women and youth. Education support for children especially orphans and vulnerable children and creation of enabling environment. 2. to facilitate the discovery of personal natural talents and abilities and promote their development for personal self-discovery and fulfillment. 3. to facilitate the development of the critical skills required for personal growth and development in an ever-changing, science, technology and innovation-driven, and highly competitive global economy. 4. to liaise or co-operate with any other Foundation within or outside the country, having similar aims and objectives with this Foundation.