Do you have a course you need to build?Is finding someone you can trust to help you build courses a hassle?Did you lose an in-house Instructional Designer?Are you an instructional design entrepreneur who has to turn down contracts because you can't pull together a team to get the project done on time and within budget?Imagine you have an Instructional Design and Online Learning (IDOL) expert on your team to help you build engaging and interactive courses for your audience. You get high praise for the course because it grabs their attention the students apply what they have learned, and it's built on time within the budget. This is what IDOL courses can do for you; match you to the right IDOL and remove the annoying parts like finding, vetting, and negotiating pay with them.We believe finding vetted and skilled freelance IDOLs is not met by the popular virtual platforms. Our mission is to connect individuals and organizations who want to build courses with elite IDOL freelancers. We vet, make perfect matches, and provide other freelancers, businesses, and teams with experts in creating training content. This way you can easily scale your team up or down to meet the demands of your prospective clients or stakeholders.Our IDOLs are all Domestic (Within the U.S.) and speak English as a first language and have a large range of rates so you can meet your budget while still getting the quality help you need to get a course project done on time. Schedule a call and see if IDOL Talent is a good match for you and your instructional design and online learning project.