禾禾木文化,成立于2013年。 主营线上社交媒体推广和品牌视觉设计全案,涵盖创意设计及摄影摄像板块。品牌主旨为:做有价值的传播,影响舆论和公众行为,让客户享受到极具个性的专业服务,并有效带来收益。垂直于酒店、餐饮、邮轮及文化领域, 禾禾木文化为全国客户提供优质服务。Established in 2013, HEHEMU Culture has been focusing on Social Media communications and brand visual design. Its business area also covers creative design and photo/video shooting. HEHEMU Culture insists on providing tailor-made communications with value for each client, in order to influence the consensus and public behavior, and eventually, to drive business. With expertise in all mentioned areas, HEHEMU Culture directly serves clients nationally from different industries, such as hotels, cruises, restaurants, culture industry, etc.