At DocWorking, our specialty is coaching physicians to achieve the best of life and medicine. DocWorking provides solutions to prevent burnout and improve physician recruitment and retention. A physician-led company, DocWorking helps physicians maximize time and potential, integrate work and life, and build leadership, communication, time and stress management skills, and resiliency to catalyze success.Ongoing coaching, peer support and courses in our THRIVE subscriptions are facilitated by our team of top physician coaches. Our coaches have been helping physicians for years, and we know what works. Reach your goals faster through our THRIVE subscription coaching, courses and community program, with expert insights designed to make physician life easier. Our Trusted Resources help you save time and money, and find unique experienced coaches and courses. Our Resiliency programs are designed for every member of the healthcare team.DocWorking believes the time has come to prioritize the health and wellness of physicians. Supporting physicians can lead to better patient outcomes.When your healthcare organization takes care of your clinicians by providing DocWorking onboarding services, resiliency programs and our professional coaching programs, your clinicians stay longer and can take better care of their patients, benefitting your bottom line. We can show you how.