On January 1, 2018, the North Carolina Council of Community Programs will becomethe i2i Center for Integrative Health.For more than a decade, North Carolina's Medicaid program has moved steadily towardWhole person managed care. The NC Council and its members have been leaders in publicsector managed care. It's time to build on this leadership and tackle the next challenge.Our MissionAcross the country, behavioral health, IDD and primary health care are becoming part of awhole person care model. The i2i Center supports North Carolina's transition to fully integratedcare in the public system. Our work will support policymakers in making the right decisions forconsumers, providers and the state.Our WorkThe i2i Center will conduct its work through individual policy collaboratives, bringing togetherdiverse interests across multiple systems. Collaboration is more critical than ever if North Carolina is going to be successful in Medicaid transformation and managed care. The i2i team collectively has over three decades of experience finding consensus solutions during times of change in health care.Our SupportersThe i2i Center is recruiting participation and support from a wide range of stakeholders, including healthcare, human services, public services, and the private sector. The Center is looking for partners to participate in policy collaboratives and drive positive change in the state. The Center is also investigating grants, organizational, and individual support to conduct this collaborative work.The Time is NowMedicaid reform continues to advance, and North Carolina needs trusted voices who can speakacross the health care community. That's why the appointment of a new Board of Directors isunderway and the i2i Center's first issue collaborative will launch in the spring of 2018.As the i2i Center executes its launch plan, we want to hear from our longtime supporters.Tell us what matters at www.i2icenter.org