Fithful International Training Center, also known as Faithful Language School. Our mission is to help our students to achieve their language goals by providing them professional teachers, a loving family atmosphere and innovative learning solutions. We assist overseas students in mastering the Chinese language and understanding Chinese culture, so that they can visit and work comfortably in China. FITC offers English, Chinese (Mandarin), and ethical Business Training programs for children and adults alike. We value excellence, development, and teamwork. In ten years, Faithful has trained over 1000 international learners with Chinese language and Chinese cultural understanding. We've worked with a number of international universities including Ouachita Baptist University, Charleston Southern University, Columbia International University, Asbury University, Taylor University, and Huntington University on Chinese language credit courses, cross-cultural studies, and exchange activities in China. Our business training program has the privilege of inviting top international businessmen and business scholars to give lectures and short courses to Chinese young professionals. By working together with local Chinese businesses and universities, our vision is to empower young business professionals to leave a positive, ethical impact in the Chinese marketplace. Our Olive English Program offers high quality ESL lessons for Chinese children through native English speakers and influence their lives by inspiring their creativity and demonstrating a life testimony.