The origin story of Buzzagogo ~ In 2008, we started our family through the gift of internationaladoption. During this process we learned our beautiful new daughterwas very ill with a heart defect caused by Agent Orange. She requiredemergency open heart surgery at eight months of age which mended herheart yet left her very fragile. A few months later, when we werefinally united with her in Vietnam, we began her journey of healing. Asa new mom, I was determined to do things as naturally as possible forthis precious baby. I studied apitherapy as a hobby and was fascinatedby its potential. I also studied the science of the nasal mucosa and it'simportance to our immune system. It just made sense to marry the twoconcepts and attack germs where they replicate while supporting thisdelicate biome.In the beginning I kept little mason jars of my remedy in the fridge andasked everyone I knew to try it. The feedback was tremendous. Everyone had similar experiences of havingcolds that were less severe or "nipped in the bud". With this encouragement we began to explore the complexjourney of bringing a product to market. Five years later we are happily reaching families like ours across thenation. I'm so thrilled to feel the shift in our world towardsmore natural living and I'm honored to be even a small partof it.Today our family is complete with the addition of anotherbeautiful daughter who was born in China and came homeforever in 2010. Our girls are both happy, healthy, athletic,crazy smart and the very best of friends. I thank you foryour interest in my product and I send all the best from myhappy hive to yours. ~ Joyce Dales