Transportation and Environmental Engineer at METRO CONSULTING GROUP - Orlando, FL, US
METRO CONSULTING GROUP, LLC (METRO) is Florida based Small Business Enterprise (SBE) comprised of Planners, Engineers, Environmental Scientists and Landscape Architects. We are certified by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) as an Engineering and Landscape Architectural firm having unlimited qualifications in 15 FDOT workgroups. We have expertise in Project Development & Environmental Studies, Roadway Engineering, Environmental Permitting, Wetland Delineations, Threaten and Endangered Species Surveys, Traffic Studies, Traffic Signal Timing, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Signing and Pavement Markings, Signalization, System Planning, Subarea / Corridor Planning, Land Planning and Engineering, and Landscape Architecture.METRO is a value driven / client focused practice with the FDOT qualifications of a national firm. FDOT QUALIFICATIONS 2.0 PD&E Studies3.1 Minor Roadway Design3.2 Major Roadway Design3.3 Controlled Access Roadway Design5.1 Conventional Bridge Inspection6.1 Traffic Engineering Studies6.2 Traffic Signal Timing6.3.1 ITS Design Analysis and Design6.3.2 ITS Implementation7.1 Signing, PM & Channelization7.3 Signalization13.4 System Planning13.5 Subarea / Corridor Planning13.6 Land Planning / Engineering15.0 Landscape Architecture