The team of thinkers and doers at Dadavan have been creating software for engaged, inspired, and connected communities and organizations since 1998.For the past twenty years, Dadavan has been collaborating with educational communities across Canada in the development of Outcomes, a student information system that tracks students from early childhood education through to post secondary studies.Outcomes SIS performs beyond a typical student information system to meet the unique needs of Indigenous communities, rural and remote schools, independent schools, and educators that are looking for a solution customizable to their needs. To learn more about Outcomes visit!Through conversations with clients, Dadavan soon came to understand the challenges and successes communities and organizations experience creating and sharing content in the digital age. Believing everyone has a story and perspective to contribute, Codex was developed to crowdsource culture and to share these stories with the world. Check out Codex at!Beyond simply creating reliable products, we build and maintain trust through honesty, transparency, and accountability. We build relationships by supporting and talking regularly with all our partners to ensure ideas are heard.We'd love to learn more about your community, organization, or school! If you have any questions, be sure to give us a shout at