Head of Route Development & Market Analysis
O Kraków AirportKraków Airport jest największym lotniskiem regionalnym w Polsce, które obsługuje powyżej 6,7 mln pasażerów w ciągu roku. 24 przewoźników oferuje ponad 120 bezpośrednich połączeń regularnych #PROSTOzKRAKOWA na 4 kontynenty do: Europy, Azji, Ameryki Północnej i Afryki. Infrastruktura lotniska obejmuje hotel Hilton Garden Inn, stację kolejową, terminal VIP oraz salony Business Lounge w strefie Schengen oraz Non Schengen. Na lotnisku działa również Centrum Edukacji Lotniczej.Działania Kraków Airport, ukierunkowane na nieustanne podnoszenie jakości obsługi klienta, są dostrzegane i nagradzane. Kraków Airport otrzymało m.in. nagrodę ASQ Awards 2016 przyznaną przez Airport Council International w 2017 r.About Kraków AirportKraków Airport is the biggest regional airport in Poland, that supports over 6.7 million passengers a year. 24 carriers offer over 120 direct regular connections straight from Kraków to 4 continents to: Europe, Asia, North America and Africa.Kraków Airport infrastructure includes Hilton Garden Inn hotel, a railway station, VIP terminal and Business Lounges in the Schengen and Non-Schengen zone. Kraków Airport's activities are focused on improving the quality of customer service, which are perceived in the world - it confirms, i.e. ASQ Awards 2016 awarded by Airport Council International in 2017.With one of the most rapidly growing airports in Central and Eastern Europe, Kraków has become a must-see destination for anyone visiting this part of the world. The city was awarded e.g. as European Capital of Gastronomic Culture 2019, Krakow UNESCO City of Literature and European Capital of Culture 2000.Kraków has a magnetic charm and offers a variety of cultural events, from spectacular live pop festivals to exclusive classical music events. The former capital of Poland is also a rapidly growing economy, attracting investors from all over the world and the country's leading scientific and academic centre.