United Europe is a pro-European associations founded in 2013 by prominent European corporate leaders, high ranking representatives from governments and experts from academia and think tanks from across Europe. As responsible CEOs, entrepreneurs and individuals, we have to be active and courageous in our support for the European idea. We must live and defend European ideals and work to reform the EU where it still has weaknesses. Let us together define how we imagine a competitive and united Europe. Through platforms such as our CEO Roundtables, lectures and the Advocacy Seminars, as well as through cooperation with other pro-European organisations, United Europe offers a good opportunity to engage in positive discussion and to strengthen the unity of Europe. We need you, the European CEOs, executive board members, entrepreneurs and individuals to support us.Disclaimer: United Europe does not represent political views or corporate interests. We do not seek grants from public authorities; we are a non-profit association financed exclusively through membership fees and donations.