Seattle Families of Multiples is a group made up of families who are experiencing the joys and and difficulties that having multiples(twins, triplets, and more) can bring.Club Mission: To provide resources for and build community among families of multiples in the greater Seattle Area. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS INCLUDE:YEAR ONE PROGRAM A twice-monthly speaker and playdate program for expectant and new parents of multiples. PREEMIE LOANER CLOSET We loan preemie items that small newborns need often for such a short time. THE SALE! Members shop early at our spring and fall Used Clothing & Gear sales. Members also have the option to sell and retain 90% of their sales.MEMBER WEBSITE Our Internet community offers discussion forums, an online roster, email digests called "Blinks", a group events calendar, and a buy/sell board.MEALS Our Sunshine Meals Program delivers meals to families with new babies or bedresting moms. SOCIALIZING Playdates and outings for the 1-5 crowd, parent-ed speaker events, Parents Night Out, and more…MONTHLY NEWSLETTER We publish a monthly newsletter to share birth announcements, club events and pictures, and contact information for the Board members and each committee.FAMILY FUN We organize and host seasonal family events with food and games to entertain the entire family.CLUB GATHERINGS Quarterly club meetings include a speaker or topic presentation, club business, and time to socialize. Spouses, partners, and babies welcome!