Core Beliefs:The Family Peace Foundation believes every Australian child has a fundamental right to a peaceful upbringing, ideally in a family home environment, where they receive a loving, caring and well balanced childhood supplemented with a positive and productive school education.The Goal:The Family Peace Foundation believes excessive family conflict and violence can be reduced significantly by successfully teaching family members the benefits of just three things: 1. couples being kinder to each other; 2. parents being kinder to their children; and,3. children being kinder to their siblings.Strategy:Under the guidance of an expert panel the Family Peace Foundation will underwrite the rolling out of three year pilot programs across regional Victoria promoting the benefits, both personal and otherwise, of family members being kinder to each other.Long Term:If the pilot programs prove successful, the Family Peace Foundation will underwrite the cost of a professional fundraising organisation to be employed to raise money from philanthropists, commerce, industry and the general public to finance the cost of rolling out the programs across Australia.What Will Success Look Like:Critical measures, both defined and quantified in the programs, will include but not limited to; dramatic declines in family conflict and violence statistics as well as adolescent depression and suicide numbers, (vii) together with meaningful increases in the academic and emotional intelligence scores of children and adolescents throughout the region.Over time it is envisaged regional Victoria will become the torch bearer for the rest of the nation to follow. When this happens, the vast majority of Australian families will be kinder to each other, which over time will lead to more peaceful upbringings for all future generations of the nations children